Our Crafty Crows are a very talented bunch – from knitting to patchwork and quilting, crochet to card making, chicken scratch to jewellery making and lots more.
Our tutors share their knowledge and prepare kits for students so they are learning using the correct materials. The aim is to give you confidence to continue your chosen skill when you leave the nesting grounds. If you want to bring your own UFOs (unfinished objects) and consult with other crafty people, you can join Dot at Stitch ‘n’ Bitch and you might even get that item finished.
The Crafty Crows hold classes in a large marquee where tables and chairs are provided for both tutors and students. Some classes require power and this is provided for sewing machines, irons, etc.
Every year we welcome returning tutors and encourage new ones to enjoy the camaraderie and inspiration of these various crafts. Classes are advertised in the Crow Chronicle, usually about two months from the arrival of the flock. Photographs are included if they are provided by the tutor. Obviously if you can provide a sample of your class, the more chance to get a full house. Attendees can then book a place for their chosen class or topics. Payment is made to the tutor on the afternoon of arrival day to confirm your place at the table.
If you have a skill you would be willing to share, please contact Chrissy. Some classes only have four students, others up to a dozen spots, depending on the teacher’s comfort level and the degree of skill required to undertake the project.
It’s a wonderful way of spending time with like minded people….and yes guys are welcome to come too, it’s just they are a bit shy sometimes.
The Crafty Crows marquee is open for bookings and payment on Friday from 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm, Saturday and Sunday are classes from 10.30 am to 3.30 pm, Monday is open day and markets (who knows you might want to sell some of your own handmade crafty items then) and resumes Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday so you will have a large choice of crafty-ness when the timetable schedule is organised.
Please check the program when it is released early in 2022 to start planning your new projects.