After several zoom meetings with Destination Riverina Murray NSW and Business NSW, we are getting so much closer to knowing what we will have to do to ensure Stone the Crows Festival 2022 can go ahead!
There will still be covid safe plans to be approved for our numerous activities – our event is a square peg in a round hole (or a round peg in a square hole) it seems. A few rules are still to be defined but with a bit of planning and co-operation all appear doable. For example, if we have an outdoor marquee on grass – with two sides it is classed as an outdoor venue, if we put up three sides, then it is an indoor venue. This affects the number of people we can have within its “walls”. Anyway, crows are very smart old birds and we will manage whatever is necessary to nest together – it’s been such a long time between nestings!
Some of our flock have asked if double vaccinations are a condition of entry. By this time, it would seem that many of you are already in this category. For some businesses, there is currently a requirement for double vax entry but this is changing in December for NSW and who knows what it will be by April. Personally, I decided vaccination was the lesser of two evils when compared to covid. I still remember one of my classmates in primary school getting polio and that has been virtually eradicated other than three countries (according to my Rotary connections who have an end polio day this month each year). So, it’s necessary to learn to live with covid and protection is the best medicine.
Entertainment-wise – Mel and Susie and Darren Carr are still coming.

Two of your all time favourites are back – Darren Carr and Friends (left) and Mel and Susie (right)
not that we would expect you would get them confused!
There will still be the normal popular activities like Championship Disc Bowls, Daddy Day Care, Crafty Crows, seminars and workshops and lots more.
Having everything sooo organised for 2020, then doing it all again for 2021, the roller coaster of starting 2022 has been very slow to start – to do all that work, get commitments, only to have to cancel if things went wrong again, and have to disappoint our entertainers, volunteers, suppliers and many more people just not a thought worth having.
So now we are six months away from nesting again at CrowLand and there is so much to look forward to, catching up with old friends and making new ones.
The website will be updated as our program develops (that’s normal) and Crow Chronicles will fly into your email box and even the Facebook page will be active, other than those jokes etc so you know everyone is still alive and kicking.
You’ll get more info in the next little while as the booking form is online, confirmation of entertainers, seminars, workshops etc is done. All our volunteers will be contacted shortly – thanks for being so essential to our whole event.
Till the next edition towards 2022 – take care and keep safe
For the Chief Crows, all our volunteers and the people who help make everything happen
Oops – just realised think that will be our 10th birthday – how exciting!
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