JUST 11 WEEKS till the flock comes to nest together at CrowLand (aka Wagga Wagga).
There have been numerous phone conversations and emails with Destination NSW, Business NSW and Service NSW to ensure that we are as up-to-date as possible with the NSW Government requirements for a covid-safe event. Again at this stage, the advice is that we comply with whatever regulations are in place at the time. The peak of Omicron seems to be passing, so fingers crossed we all remain healthy due to our vaccinations and boosters. (For all you wordsmiths – do you know what the anagram of omicron is ……….moronic……)
Normally some would be at Tamworth Country Music Festival – but that dreaded “C” word earlier than the start date caused the organisers to postpone due to restrictions on singing and dancing. Fortunately that re-jigging has only caused one change to our entertainment program.
Darren Carr will be with us for the first three days in varying time slots – what would Stone the Crows be without him and his friends? Amber Lawrence had a conflict of timetable and Lisa Crouch very kindly swapped nights with her to accommodate that schedule. Shows you what girls can achieve working together!
So the confirmed night time entertainment program will be as follows:
Friday night – Darren Carr and Friends – of course
Saturday night – The Crows Showcase with Darren, Mel & Susie plus all the usual Crow Crew
Sunday Night – Amber Lawrence – 5 times Golden Guitar winner
Monday night – Lisa Crouch – returns invigorated with new music to share
Tuesday night – Lucky Starr – the old rocker needs no introduction
Wednesday night – Jacques Renay – close your eyes and he is Tom Jones
Thursday – Ross Maio – you will be enthralled by his wizardry
plus Peter Mace (Bush Poet), Jim Haynes, Grant Luhrs, Marcus Holden ….and maybe more

For the benefit of our fledglings (first time Crow attendees) a brief summary:
- From now on, you will be sited as near as possible to any group nominated and your site is only confirmed when payment is made in full.
- Squawkers’ Permits will be sent out by email in the second half of February and that will designate your site number and whether it is powered or unpowered.
- You will be invited to come into nest on Thursday 14th April (probably around lunchtime). If this doesn’t suit, just email Chrissy and she will reschedule with an arrival time for the Friday morning.
- Entry will be staggered arrival through one of two gates, Copland Street or Tasman Road (this is designed to alleviate traffic congestion)
- Once you are set up, you will register so we know you are on site, get your info pack and name tags (which are also your ticket to get in and out the grounds)
- Then our friendly old crow Pam will take you on a tour of the grounds and politely tell you where to go to do what – there are 7 venues operating during the day for each of those 7 days so it helps to know what’s where.
- After that you can join for a big happy hour, stay with your mates or just rest.
- Friday morning you stay on your allocated sites and watch with amusement the antics of the “old crows” returning to their nesting place.
- Then the real fun begins with a variety of activities, seminars and more.
- Any queries, again just email Chrissy and you will receive an answer asap.
here are a very, very few powered sites available and these are reserved for people staying on site for seven days and needing essential power, such as CPAP machines. Otherwise both small and drive through unpowered sites are still available. Most groups have been re-allocated in close proximity to their 2020 proposed spots.
If you need to charge phones, scooters or other equipment, there are external power points available to share and also at the office, you just need to ask.
Don’t hesitate to email any queries and they will be answered asap.
Till the next Crow Chronicle edition towards – when we will look at our wonderful Crow volunteers, without whom this event could never happen – take care and keep safe
For the Chief Crows, all our volunteers and the people who help make everything happen