One of the comments we often receive is “there’s too much to do at Stone the Crows”. Yes Daddy Day Care has the same problem … too many potential projects.
Now Stone the Crows Festival is back for 2022, our volunteers in this section are getting back into Festival mode and creating their prototypes, so there will be a wonderful variety of kits ready for you to choose from during the week.
There are always an array of boxes, whether rectangular, square or various shapes like a butterfly or scallop/clam. In the past we have seen musical instruments like ukulele, tongue drums and this year there will be a few guitar kits and marble machines.
If you are a crafts person in this area, feel free to email with details of your project so we can see if it will fit into the mix for our guys and gals who enjoy this crative activity.

This butterfly box is an example of the advanced options for 2022. The spine is segmented wooden parts and the wings are hinged by these segments.

Once again Daddy Day Care has its own marquee with tables and chairs provided. The guys (and gals) are very proficient artisans and really enjoy sharing their knowledge with students.
Daddy Day Care activities will be promoted via the Crow Chronicle with photographs of projects. As with the Crafty Crows, you can book and pay for your spot at the table in advance. If you prefer to see the finished article before deciding on participation in the class, you can do so on Friday arrival day but no spot is confirmed until payment is made.
Classes and demonstrations are held on Saturday and Sunday from 10.30 am to 3.30 pm, Monday is, of course, open day and markets (again you might like to sell some of your handmade goodies by having a market stall) and then the same hours Tuesday and Wednesday. Thursday is finishing off day by arrangement with the tutor.

Some examples of previous year’s Daddy Day Care