Jacques Renay
April 11, 2020 @ 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm
He looks like Tom Jones.. he sings like Tom Jones.. he talks like Tom Jones.. and on stage, Jacques Renay IS Tom Jones.
Jacques Renay is no stranger to the stage, with a wealth of LIVE experience having performed on Hey Hey It’s Saturday, The Mid – Day Show, At Home – John Mangos, UK TV Show – ITV / BBC, All major European Stations, The Opera House, major cruises – Fairstar, Delphi, Achille Lauro, Chrandris Lines, Alexander Pushkin, Bellorussiya, Michail Scholokov, Coral Princess and P&O cruises Fair Princess/Pacific Sky. Jacques Renay has also performed in concert with Charles Aznavour, The Ink Spots, Jack Jones, Al Martino, Roy Orbison, and the great Louis Armstrong. Not to mention performing for the Queen of England three times and of course the great man himself, TOM JONES!
The Australian Tom Jones Experience is Australia’s #1 Tom Jones Show and has performed in major clubs, corporate functions and overseas trips. The Australian Tom Jones Experience performed in Penang for the 2001 News Years Eve Concert & in Sri Lanka which was sponsored by Sri Lanka Airlines and MTV. With Jacques Renay, you have a high energy show that takes you on a magical mystery tour of all the big early hits through to Tom Jones’s current hits of the new millennium.
We jokingly say BYO knickers – it would be great if these could be highly coloured to really show up on stage!